Monday, April 13, 2009

A Mania mixtape by Brandon Soderberg of "No Trivia" blog

Brandon Soderberg of "No Trivia" blog has made a compilation of his best records from maniamusicgroup, in a mixtape he calls "Soul food & sushi." The title stems from a radio interview at WQFS in Guilford, NC, where Dappa Dan!!! Midas descibes the combination of Dwayne "Headphone" Lawson and Brandon "Bealack" Lackey's production as feeling like "Soul food and Sushi." So just before you go try mixing soul food and sushi to understand what he means, I will advice you to check out Brandon's post on "No Trivia" to download the mixtape and save your stomach the confusing experience. By the way the mixtape was mixed by Joseph Oheygi. CHECK IT OUT by following this link to the No Trivia blog "SOUL FOOD & SUSHI." or this link to website or you can just download it directly through this link "SOUL FOOD & SUSHI"

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